Employee Appreciation Day: Aercon’s Longest Serving Staff

On this National Employee Appreciation Day, we take a moment to honour and celebrate the invaluable contributions of Aercon’s longest-serving staff, Keith.

Through years of dedication and unwavering commitment, Keith has been the cornerstone of our organisation, embodying the spirit of resilience, professionalism, and excellence. Keith’s enduring loyalty and steadfast service have not only shaped the culture of our company but have also inspired and uplifted his colleagues. Today, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to Keith’s remarkable work and his tireless efforts and enduring passion, which have been instrumental in Aercon’s continued success.

We asked Keith a few questions about his time with Aercon (part of the Power Utilities Group).

Background and History:

How did you first become involved with the company?

“The Aercon works manager at the time was also a youth leader.  Attending the youth club regularly, he and I got talking and he gave me the opportunity to be interviewed for an office position. Thankfully, I got the job and really enjoyed the work. However, wanting to be more hands-on I was transferred to the factory, where I assisted in the creation of air pressure stabilisers. I haven’t looked back since. “

Role and Responsibilities:

What is your current role, and how has it evolved over the years?
“I guess you could say I’m the jack of all trades. As the Aercon Divisional Manager, my responsibilities include overseeing the day-to-day work in the factory, the production, assembly drawings, and quality control.”

Contributions and Achievements:

What do you consider to be your most significant contributions to the company?

“A lot of the items we currently sell were developed under my leadership and guidance. My specialised input and wealth of experience have helped consult my team to develop improved products that put us ahead of the curve, giving our customers the best results possible.”

Are there any specific projects or initiatives that you are particularly proud of?

“A project that I am particularly proud of would have to be the work we did for the Imperial College London. As a result of an imbalance of pressure, people were trapped inside the room, posing a risk to life. By developing pressure relief valves, where we were able to resolve the issue and achieve a safe, fully functioning room.”

Company Changes:

How have you seen the company evolve and change over the years?

“During my 50-year tenure, I have been graced with the opportunity to watch the company grow and expand in accordance with the societal changes. From the premises to the equipment used, change is something I have happily become accustomed to. Manufacturing equipment and techniques have advanced in ways that were once unimaginable when I first started with the company. These advancements have enabled us to create an innovative range of products and system of working.”

Corporate Culture:

How would you describe the company’s culture, and how has it influenced your work?

“The workplace is one I am very fond of.  Working with such exceptional colleagues, the environment is open and flexible, giving all staff independence yet also supporting those who need it at a drop of a hat.”

Longevity and Motivation:

What has motivated you to stay with the company for such an extended period?

“The specific types of products we make are a small yet integral part of a very large system. Without our air pressure stabilisers, hospitals across the globe would be unable to function efficiently. It may seem insignificant, but our stabilisers make a substantial difference to the quality of healthcare a patient receives. As well as this, the bespoke needs of some customers means that we are always kept on our toes in regards to finding solutions to new challenges.”

Knowledge Transfer:

How do you pass on your knowledge and experience to newer employees?

“Committed to helping others reach their true potential, when newer employees join our company, I’d like to think my patience with others and hands-on approach help pass on my knowledge and experience in a way that moulds them into a necessary member of our team. A training program I am heavily involved in using these ways would be the work we do with engineering apprentices.”

What key principles or values have guided you in your professional journey?

“Although the work I do can be hard and somewhat challenging at times, knowing that what we do is making quality of care better for others never fails to help me push through. Being honest with others and believing everyone deserves a chance to be something great are both values that have stuck with me for these 50 years and will continue to do so far into the future.”

Memorable Moments:

Can you share some memorable or special moments from your time with the company?

“One of the best welders I have ever had the pleasure of working with, my colleague Michael has really stood out to me over the years. His drive to be the best he can be and his hard-working attitude never cease to impress me, and I can proudly say working alongside him is one of the most memorable periods I have taken away from my experience here.”

Future Outlook:

How do you see the future of the company, and what role do you envision for yourself?

“After working 50 years for a company that has treated me so well, I look forward to a peaceful retirement with my beloved wife in the years to come. As for the progression of the company, I am excited to see how we can evolve both our range of products as well as our manufacturing processes.”

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